Saturday, 1 October 2011

JR Mewing

Yes, you read it correctly, the Feasting Pussy! This spectacularly named friction-drive plastic toy was made by JR [a la 21] in the early 1960's. It is one of dozens of novelty plastic toys that JR made. Many found there way to the US including ol' Whiskers himself here. The company logo can be seen on the toy's base, the monogrammed diamond. Anyone got one?


  1. What sort of comments are you expecing on this one?....!

  2. "J.R Mewing" just can't resist it, can you Woodster? LOL

  3. Nope, sorry Ed. And Mav, whatever comments you like. Purr-sonally I prefer chips with my fish. oh yes, and Mushy Peas and tons of salt!

  4. The box artwork: the trash can as a table ... the colouring ... the serviette/napkin the cat is wearing ... the background scenery ... it all puts me in mind of "Top Cat".

  5. Well spotted Toad, we should invent a word for this type of thing, as a lot of it comes out of 'The former Crown colony'...Backhanded marketing???

  6. the nanny culture would never let this one go by these days! Im having to make a concerted effort to keep the party clean!

  7. "Backhanded marketing" ... LOL. I like it.

    Quite right, Wote. I was tempted to mention a song I've heard a few times in clubs ... but not gonna.

  8. Moggin the Mog10/02/2011 6:21 pm

    This is obviously a toy version of Smelly Cat!

  9. I liked smelly cat, and now you've mentioned it, i'll be humming it to myself for the rest of the night..."Smelly Cat, Oh Smelly Cat, how did...
