Monday, 17 October 2011

Dapper Dans

As you mentioned miniatures, here's some [Dan Dare craft] I made a while ago. Made from bits of wood and plastic card. All rather small, averaging about 5-7cm long.
Andy B

Luvverly Andy! Thanks! Woodsy


  1. Stunning work andy - you must have the patience of a saint! So wheres the Treen ships ?

  2. Andy, those are absolutely wonderful! There are some incredibly talented people reading and posting to this blog, that's for sure!

  3. That's just the bestest space-fleet, and given the size...extraordinary!

  4. Thanks for comments. One visitor asked if they were given with cereals!

    Yes Wotan, there are Treen ships, although only the saucer at the bottom shown here.

    Not hard to build, just lumps of wood or dowel, plastic card and milliput filler -and sandpaper to make the elliptical shapes/nose cones.

    Still waiting th see Mike's Dan Dare models!

  5. Oh, and the rocket tubes are pieces of cocktail stick or bamboo barebue skewers!

  6. Not hard for you to build perhaps, Andy. But I could have all the wood, dowel, plastic card, etc., in the world and still never be able to make anything like those models. You have skill and talent.

  7. Andy, my Dan Dare models used in the 1990 Southport exhibition are just the Annie from Red Moon Mystery and a Treen Super Space Shark. The other models used we're two different sized Fireball's and Space Kingsley's Comet (Which, as you know I used on last years blog xmas card). I did produce a moon scene comprising of hastily built Moon Ship, a Space Station and a kit bashed Moonbase. Sadly only the Moon base remains.
    I'll send some pics in for posting if you like.

  8. I'd like to see them!

  9. I saw them in situ back in the day, and they are impressive!
