Sunday, 30 October 2011

Captain Lazer's Rattling Back-Pack

If you'd have come round to my house in 1968 you'd have found me messing with Major Matt Mason by Mattel. Of all the space toys there was something complete about the MMM universe, it simply had everything. I particularly loved all the little silver gizmo's like the walkie talkie, his chrome tools and his cool rotojet rifle.

There were some deeply satisfying facets to these toys: the way the little gold visor went neatly up and down on Matt's helmet, the rotating radar on the Firebolt Lazer Canon and the puff technology that sent Callisto's string beam flying out.

But above all - and the thing I recall the most vividly - is a sound. Not just any sound but possibly the most unique sound in Sixties toydom - the odd rattle buzz made by pressing the push-buttons on the backpack of Matt's big buddy from Mars, Captain Lazer! Priceless! I loved it and still do!

You can still hear the sound on a You Tube MMM TV commercial from 1968 [above] around the 42 seconds mark where the Cap's eyes light up. It's a very strange echoey zing!

Can anyone have a go at describing it? It letters or words or sounds. Best one gets to be called Captain Lazer!


  1. zzzdddttt-tt-t! zzzdddttt-tt-t!

    Actually, I think "very strange echoey zing" is as good a description as anyone could hope for!

  2. For some strange reason I only had the Sgt Storm figure (red astronaut) from the Major Matt Mason range. My mate across the road who got all his toys out of his mum's Kays catalogue had Matt and lots of the accessories and even the large spaceship.

    I do recall having my Sgt Storm having lots of battles with my Zeroid robot Zarak. Anyone else remember the Zeroids robots too?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As seen in this ad from pretty much every comic book published by DC in late 1967? I had Zintar ("the Silver Explorer!") and still miss the guy.

  5. I loved my Zeroids too Richard! I remember getting the brown one in a transparent case [which doubled as a trailer] when I was in hospital having my appendix out circa 1969! Great times! Wow, I've just recalled how the arms used to click when you moved them up and down! Was that some sort of ratchet joint?

  6. Oh crikey sorry for sort of hijacking this MMM thread and going off topic.

    Wow, yes I'd forgotten the Zeroid arms clicked. Optional magnetic hands too, and could throw things. I had Zarak - the blue one. Loved the plastic case they came in - it was a toy in itself. As well as the Zeroid being able to push his way out (by flicking the on switch through the slot at the back), when laid on its back the case became a secret HQ for my Matchbox cars and Dinky Thunderbird 2. The power of imagination!

  7. By the power of greyskull! Oops, wrong decade! By the power of Zarak!

  8. This is is one unique sound for sure.Of all the space heroes in my collection,Capt Lazer is a prize for originality and style. I have recently scored a blond haired beige costumed "twin" of Capt Lazer at a yard sale..anyone know who the heck he might be?

  9. This is is one unique sound for sure.Of all the space heroes in my collection,Capt Lazer is a prize for originality and style. I have recently scored a blond haired beige costumed "twin" of Capt Lazer at a yard sale..anyone know who the heck he might be?

    1. Hi Burn E
      Nice find. Check out this link and you'll see who your twin figure is.
