Thursday, 29 September 2011

Never Turn Your Back on a Friend

Wote's fab post about Roger Dean and Chris Foss covers struck a chord with me as Roger Dean was and is my favourite LP cover artist. As a teenager I adored the welsh heavy rock trio BUDGIE and many of their early classic albums were graced with Roger's brilliant visions. Many were showcased in his book Visions published by Dragon's Dream and if, like me, you frequented Athena shops to get your Seventies posters you could find Dean's LP covers publshed by Big O. Any more Athena shopperes out there?

I've featured just one Dean here, above - the fabulous cover of Budgie's bangin' Never Turn Your Back on A Friend, which includes their stylised Budgie Man mascot, who appeared on many of their Dean covers. The album contains the epic 10 minute long opus Parents, one of the most important songs of my entire life.
The memorable inside cover featuring
Tony Bourge on lead, Burke Shelley on bass and Pete Boot on drums.
They produced more sound than herd of stampeding Rhinos!


  1. Forget Budgie, what about Iron Maiden?

  2. Oh my, yes! I remember Athena. I would pore over their catalogues for hours. I particularly remember some block prints they did by a (Vietnamese?) artist ... a lute or guitar player? OK, I can't remember the title, but I recall how the figure was drawn ... So wanted one, but had only picket money at the time.

  3. Course, I meant "pocket" money. Sigh. I was too young to strike.
