Thursday, 8 September 2011

Man from Planet Ouch

The Outer Space Men largely passed me by as a kid and it was only recently that I came across any trace of them. When I bought the little yellow space cruiser in a job lot on ebay (see Mystery Inc) I found to my surprise that someone had prised it open and crammed inside a passenger. When I cracked it open after what must have been a fair few years, I discovered a tiny 2.5 " bendy version of Electron - the man from Pluto!

Electron himself is clearly a derivation of the fifties film star, the 'Man From Planet X' Its hardly surprising either of them look happy, one probably has a bad back and the other definitely had a bad film!


  1. Awwwwww .... don't the aliens look so sad in that movie poster?

    Makes me wanna hug them and tell them everything will be ok (grins).

  2. They always seem to be after a lady in these films or at least the posters!

  3. "The deadliest enemy the world has ever known"??? Why, was he playing that darn 'reefer' music from the Tannoy (C) TM (R) box hanging on his chest...NO! Reefer madness!!!

  4. Thats it - he turns up the volume, hits the wah-wah pedal and lets rip! Gets down with his bad side!

  5. Bill my name is Gary Schaeffer the co-owner of The Outer Space Men along with my best friend and creator of the toys Mel Birnkrant . Would you please email me over at my OSM site. I would like to meet you and talk to you about a few things. Thanks so much, Gary
