Thursday, 1 September 2011

Happy Autumn

It's officially Autumn here in the UK today. The sun's still shining so we're not panicking yet! I do love the diffused light and russet foliage of this season. Do you like Autumn wherever you are?


  1. I always thought it was about Sept 21st /22nd? Though I noticed Marks and Spencer have started to put out their Autumnn clothes today. ;D

  2. I thought it was 21st September too.

    I love Autumn. And Winter even better. I'll be welcoming in the colder weather, that's for sure.

  3. Apparently in meteorological use it does begin 1st September. To everyone else its the equinox on the 21st. So I expect the weatherman on the telly to say its autumn now and get int an argument with the presenters.

  4. Ahhh, thanks, Yorkie.

  5. Hmm, never heard of it starting at the beginning of September. I wonder if that is similar to the Zodiacal movement, where we are not actually 'in' the Zodiacal constellation traditionally assigned to a given date but actually in the next one up or down... I don't recall how it goes, but it's because of precession.

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