Monday, 19 September 2011

Eternity - It Will Last Forever

To be played immediately after the previous post of Vangelis/ Roy Batty. This is the stunningly beautiful musical and visual teaser for Gerry Anderson's proposed TV series Eternity. Who did the music and what happened to the show?


  1. Sadly Gerry couldn't get the money for Eternity to be made. It's gone very quiet about the proposed new Thunderbirds TV series too. Hope it's not a dead end too.

  2. Stunningly good effects, and the other related clips are worth seeing too. Looks like we missed out on a great series.

  3. Looks like a quality concept, I wish it had been made...could really do with some mew sci-fi.
    Love the look of the "Jellyfish" looking space station

  4. Yeah, it does look pretty good. Certainly appears more highbrow and thoughtful compared to Space Precinct, Gerry's last live action sci - fi series of the mid ninties, which did eventually get made, evolving from the earlier shelved pilot, Space Police.

    Mind you, I always thought it looked tired and dated in concept and style compared to it's contemporaries like Babylon 5 and Next Generation .

    The 'New' Captain Scarlet did eventually get made after the pilot which if I remember rightly from a showing at some Fanderson Con was a rather good CGI version of the original puppet show - pity about the end result which seemed to make all the characters come across as cold and souless.

    Assuming that the added wording that appears on screen in the Eternty trailer was accurate, the bit about disturbing an ancient intelligence on the planet just reminded me of The Mysterons and consequences of disturbing ancient intelligences.

    Maybe we're just getting the same old stuff in a different package,and maybe that's why they're not being made.

    Now, I wonder if Gerry will help me pitch my new idea 'Monkey Tennis on the Moon' we could have a winner...
