Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Confidence Booster

 Mike Burrows fabulous work on the Booster Rocket gantry reminded me that some while ago, i'd lashed together a small model of a launch pad from bits of some Matchbox Mega Rig toys. originally intended to be used with the small orange and white LP rockets from the Apollo Moon Exploring series, it was only after reading about Mikes inspiration for the model in TV21 and the possibility of a Probe Force series launch pad that I recalled it.

A quick rummage in the garage and I found the unfinished model and took out the Spacex version of the Booster Rocket to see if it would sit well on the model. As the SWORD toy is quite heavy and more realistically based on the concept artwork, the ion engine nozzle is very narrow and getting the toy to stand on its end is almost impossible without a stand, whereas the Tri-ang Spacex version has a larger, flared engine which fit neatly into the hole on the base of the gantry i'd made. As these rather wonky photos show, the THOR rocket gantry does double duty as a smaller scale Booster Rocket facility!
So come on Mike - Probe Force Launch Pad next! Ive got a PF3 you can borrow if that helps!


  1. Well I am tempted, Wote ; )

  2. You're more than welcome Mike, it's the NASA version. I can drop it off after work, or is it the more rocket shaped flights one or two you need?

  3. It's the rocket type. I'll scan you the pic when I get in from work tonight if you like.

  4. be good to see please! My original Probe Force 1 is in bits now and ive yet to find a PF2!

  5. Mega Booster! Nice one Wote! I reckon your garage is really an old toy shop!
