Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Slime Time

We're all familiar with the brilliant SpaceX Lunar Transporter LT10 and the larger Midori kit version pictured above. The same ship appeared in the Japanese movie The Green Slime in 1969 along with a whole flotilla of cool spacecraft. Have a gander below. And remember, you've been slimed!


  1. Slime! Yuk. (hands out tissues)

  2. Cool English poster. Nothing like the movie of course! Fun Japanese FX - rocketships et al.

  3. Extremely cool posters and pics! I haven't seen this film in a long time... I think I own a copy, need to watch it. That LT10 is pretty spiffy! The Green Slime Gamma-3 space station is my all-time favorite toroidal-type station. It's so cool, it's actually cooler that the station from 2001. I think it's because of the sphere-sections between each arc, and the orange 'fuel tank' looking things underneath, attached to the rocket motor. Curvy space stations are often cooler than angular ones, for me, anyway.


    Gordon Long

  4. Simply the coolest non-Godzilla movie that ever came out of Japan, thanks for reviving a favorite childhood film memory !

  5. No probs Patron Z. Looking at the orange fuel cells at the base of the Gamma 3 space station they remind of the SWORD Booster Rocket with a flared engine!
