Sunday, 21 August 2011

Empire Building

With Dr Who popping back into the schedules again, and the lovely Alex Kingston gracing the screens, its clear that xmas isnt far off. Meanwhile, new toys appear on the shelves and among them I spotted a new line of 'lego-like' Dr Who sets and a brace of collectable figures. The collectable part comes from the fact that figures are a series of 10 randomly assorted into a sealed opaque bag. At £1.95 a throw, its an expensive business to collect them all, but luckily for me, Asda had thebox on display and I was able to have a good rummage and feel the shapes through the thick plastic bag! The majority of the figures are the humanoid variety, a couple of doctors, assistants, cyberman, silurian and those ridiculous angels. But two of them are the new Daleks, a blue strategist and red drone. A good squeeze and I found the last two daleks in a box of about fifteen packs. The rest of the figures are stupidly cartoonish and deformed, but the daleks are really good representations of the new enemy. Good quality plastic build and a fair number of interchangeable parts, mean that at 2 quid, its worth having a look for them. After the Dr Who magazines giveaway of a dalek army, these are a great way to add to a dalek invasion force.


  1. I've seen photos of the others, and I agree: stupidly cartoonish. Don't see the appeal of them at all.

    But I like the way the Dalek is made in layers. Reminds me of some from the sixities. The Cherilea ones. Pretty sure Maverick has one on his "Small Scale World" website.

  2. There's a yellow one in one of the bigger playsets!

    Purchase'ate! Purchase'ate!

  3. Purchase'ate! - love it!
