Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Tri-ang Battle Space 1967

wondered if this 1967 gem might be useful on blog? From Boys World Annual, a sort of combined feature/advert for a railway space kit: Tri-ang Battle Space.
Andy B
Cheers Andy, talk about product placement! Woodsy!


  1. I remember the "Battle Space" stuff from my endless hours pawing over those model train catalogues as a youngster.
    I wonder if Andy (or Wote, I know he is another model train guy) remember the little space rockety looking engine with the long spike at the front...I would love to see a picture of that again. It was my favourite at the time.
    I had a lot of Tri-ang/Hornby stuff as a kid (still have it) but never had any of the Battle Space range.

  2. ED - the Battle Space Turbo Car ? oh yes. look forward to some Battle Space ggodness very soon..

  3. That's it Wote, the "Turbo Car"! That spike always looked pretty vicious to me, a bit Flash Gordonish!
    I thought you would know it!
    Look forward to seeing more!
