Thursday, 2 June 2011

Mysterious Invaders by Zee Toys

Unlike SpaceX, I never owned any of the cool US Apollo Moon Exploring toys as a nipper in 1970 but since finding out about them from my esteemed colleagues, Mssrs. Wotan, Vreede and Toad, in the late 1990's, I have been fascinated by them and any related toys. The red glider, above, is a link craft to several other series including the carded Mysterious Invaders UFO's by Zee Toys 1978. Featured below are three of the four spacecraft. From top to bottom Phobos, Rombus [the green Glider] and the Space Saucer. The fourth one Gemini, pictured on the card back below, is missing here and I can't find a piccy of the carded toy. As for those pictured I love the fact that they were available in Toys R Us, which somehow makes them feel quite modern to me.
[Zee Pictures: toyriffics Ebay]

As a footnote to this Zee bloglet I'm always amused as to how vintage toys are grouped together by collectors alike. Here are two cocktails which both include a Zee Mysterious Invader UFO, the lurid green Rombus in the top shot [Wotan's window sill - picture not found as yet - still looking!] and the missing Gemini, albeit somewhat partial, in my own first collectables grouping, just below the upright tinplate rocket.


  1. I haven't got mine in front of me to compare, but is the space saucer the same as the Blue Box flying saucer?

    'Ephydro'...An interstellar FTL drive based around epileptic fits, like in Dune with the stinky navigators and their worm-holes!

  2. Yep Mav, the very same.
