Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Midsummer Mysteries

Well it's Midsummer and I've been pondering some of the small mysteries that the blog has thrown up. Nothing huge like where's the Moonbase Set but just the little things. I'll kick off with something WOTE sent me ages ago. Here we have an, as yet, unidentified set of tea or cigarette cards, which include our friend the Moon Prospector. Here it's called the Rotating Geophysical Laboratory. Anyone got any idea what this space card set is?

Next up is another one from the mighty WOTAN. In an earlier post about colouring books the Wotester mentions one he had in 1969/70, which included a Moon Crawler to be coloured in. You can read Wote's original account here in his Colour Me Happy. Again, any ideas what this book was Swordies?

Third we have a photo mystery. Last year I won these two black and white glossy photo's on Fleabay. They were from a German seller who described them as promotional pictures for use in the trade back in the late 60's. Obviously I bought them for the SWORD duet in the top photograph but has anyone got any clue as to what the bottom piccy full of large toy rabbits might be? It's clearly some sort of toy fair or shop. The two kids look oriental. Ideas on a postcard please! I can post a better picture if that might help?

Last but not least was a short reference in Comments perhaps, which I now can't locate [comments can't be searched], by a reader - maybe Grif or Yorkie [sorry guys, I just can't remember]. The reference was to a trading or tea/ cigarette card from a space series which depicted a scramble bug. I don't remember any more than that but would love to know which series and card it was.

Solutions to any or all of the above mysteries will be posted as they flood in! Get your thinking caps on! Thanks in advance.

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