Sunday, 26 June 2011

Gattlestar Balactica

Next on my summer reading pile, after Batman, is Battlestar Galactica, the novelisation of the film. Anyone read it? What's the basic plot?


  1. Not read it. Old or new Battlestar?

    Basic plot is humans are on the run and seeking a new home planet after their home world(s) is/are destroyed by robots they created some time ago.

  2. When I say "destroyed", I mean conquered. Not actually blown to smithereens.

  3. are we talking the original series ? If so its a soapy melodrama of slush in classic amerian style, punctuated by a thin plot of humans trying to rediscover a lost earth while being sold out to the conquering Cylons by greedy politicians. a poor Star Wars bandwagon film and not a great book. Typical novelisation stuff. Give me some classic sci fi any day!

    Alan Dean Foster is always a safe bet for film tie ins though. Excellent author

  4. Is this the novelisation of the original, or the remake? If the original, by Robert Thurston, it's not accurate to the TV show. The remake novel is pretty good.
