Monday, 27 June 2011

Damocles Arrives Today

Well life imitates art once more today as you may recall my serialised 'strip' mockumentary about an asteroid strike on Moonbase and our very own Mr Woods being MIA. But today apprently a real asteroid about the size of a large bus is due to skim Earth at a mere 7,500 miles distant. 2011 MD as it is named was discovered just last Wednesday on close approach and should be visible to amateur astronomers using moderately large telescopes on 27 June.
Well its been fun, so long and thanks for all the fish...


  1. This sounds like a job for....

  2. Bruised Willies? Na, I was thinking more along the lines of Probe Force Three piloted by....hmmm, Oh alright, Bruce Willis. There must be other courageous souls up to the task!
