Sunday, 22 May 2011

Strato Ray Gun and Thunderbirds

"Be it known that we, Sidney Wasserman and Allen M. Sterns, citizens of the United States, residing at Detroit, in the county of Wayne and State of Michigan, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Toy Gun, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming part thereof..." [extract: Ebay patent copy auction]
Looking at Wasserman and Sterns STRATO toy gun above it immediately reminds of the Thunderbirds pistol by Lone Star as featured on the excellent Vintage Thunderbirds Toys site and all its subsequent knockoffs like the Pilen and Rocket Gun versions [Rocket Gun pictured]. What's the story there then? Did Lone Star get a licence to use the design?


  1. Nope, Lone Star didn't have to, Paul. The Design Patent on the Strato gun was issued in June 1953 for a period of 3 1/2 years only (is what it says on the patent document I just located). So by the time Lone Star wanted to produce a Thunderbirds gun in the mid-60s, they could just use the design for free.

    Should anybody be interested (nice one for the Vintage TB Toys site perhaps) then it's design patent nr D169921.

    Good thing those people on ePay included some of the document text including the inventor's names. With a bit of luck it's then a piece of cake to find the number and dig up the same documents for free. :)


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  3. My name is Franklin Sterns, and I am the son of the inventor of the “Strato Ray Gun,” Allen M. Sterns. As I recall, it was a sturdy toy made of die cast aluminum. I am told there is one in the Smithsonian, but if I want to see it, I need to give them a few weeks notice to find it - as they have a lot of stuff packed in crates.
    I had one or two as a child.
    I feel honored it has survived in someone’s memory and publication.

    1. Fantastic Franklin! Thanks for getting in touch and I'm pleased to feature your dad's amazing toy ray gun. Do you have any pictures or documents about your Dad's invention? Did he invent anything else?
