Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Well Swordies, the blog has just passed the 300,000 hits mark! Me and Wotan just want to say a big spacexcellent thank you for all your swordtastic support over the last three years. It would be nothing without you! Cheers!

As Sparta's 300 proclaimed, Keep on Swordin'!


  1. 300, 000? Wow! That's .... (tallies on her fingers) ... 299,990 more than I can count up to!

    Well done everyone. Now, I have one question ... do you think maybe we ought to get ourselves lives? (thinks about it ....) Nah! Let's carry on.

  2. That's "carry on" long as I don't gotta stand in a ravine and fight off loadsa soldiers. That would be taking "SWORD" too far. Poo to glory.

  3. Well done you two. Blog is always a good read -and I reckon people who produce (and contribute to blogs) can still have a life!

  4. (wonders if her use of irony is becoming too subtle)

  5. We may struggle to wring all of your intended meanings out of your entries Toadster but we will continue to try and keep up! As Neptine said in the throneroom, release the Kraken!

  6. Well done, folks - another milestone in your cyber-space travelling.
