Friday, 1 April 2011


I was so chuffed when Rocket Punch identified that mystery tank the other day, the UFO Lunar Missile Tank [or Rocket Launcher?] . Toadlarone even identified the UFO episode, the Cat with Ten Lives. Through the invisible force of You Tube we can all watch the missile tank in action on the moon here from the opening scene to around 2mins 40secs where it swiftly terminates marauding UFO's. It's such a simple yet successful design, basically a block with a laser gun on top yet done with such style. Is it a Mike Trim design I wonder? It's certainly popular with scratchbiulders as you can see on the cool Eagle Transporter Forum. It may even be the same model, which appeared at TV21 last October?

It would have made a great toy and would have sat brilliantly in the SWORD fleet. Not  to be confused with the unlicensed UFO MISSILE TANK.

Quizzoid: What's the SWORD link with the aforementioned unlicensed UFO Missile Tank?


  1. I am very curious to learn the link to Sword. Also, although the Konami Ultimate UFO model collection is very cool it's a shame this vehicle wasn't included.

  2. I'd like to point out that I was able to find it in one of the two episodes in which it appears only BECAUSE RP identified the vehicle in the first place. I didn't actually know what it was until he told us.

  3. Thank you Philotodia. I have a theory about why we don't see them much in the series. I believe these were early SHADO defenses that were used to guard the moonbase and Interceptor silos while they were still under construction. Once the interceptors and Moon mobiles were operational there was little need to keep the less versatile tanks on full duty.

  4. That's a good theory. I never thought about it till you just said, but they would have needed defences whilst they were building. Perceptive insight, RP!

  5. I have a similar theory - that were originally dozers/cranes that were used to build Moonbase. Later retrofitted with the missile launcher on top.

    ps I started that thread oof on Eagletransporter - haven't been there for a while though

  6. Hey Barry, nice to hear from you!
