Thursday, 28 April 2011

Saucerers Apprentice

Keen eyed operative Andy spotted this Adamski classic venusian saucer on a gum card recently, in response to my call for UFO pics!


  1. This is an illustration of the Conniston incident of February 15, 1954. Stephen Darbishire and his cousin Adam claimed to spotted the UFO hovering over Conniston Lake and managed to snap two photos. The photos do show something akin to the Adamski type saucer.

  2. Thanks for the explanation, RP.

    But what set is this card from? What were the other pictures?

  3. Card is from a series entitled something like "Mysteries of Space".
    Issued with bubble-gum cigarettes around 1965-6 as I recall.
    Images form the series occur form time to time on ebay. Unfortunatley all the "mysteries" are pretty thin, some like Adamski are disproven. Good art though!

  4. Thanks for the explanation. Andy. These are completely new to me. Would like to see some other examples if anyone has some? (looks hopeful ...)
