Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Keep Watching the Skies

 Back in the summer of '72, while on holiday in Devon, I picked up a book, Investigating UFO's. at 25p it wasn't expensive, but it turned out to be a real influence on me. It contained several amazing photos of what appeared to be indisputable flying disks as well as descriptions of alien encounters. I tend to be quite cynical and skeptical at best, but do have an open mind and a willingness to accept new ideas, so I found it all very interesting indeed. Following on from the book, I got the 1972 Countdown annual for xmas that year and this included a thought provoking four page article shown here:


Between the two books and regular articles in Countdown weekly about UFOs, I became quite interested in the field, although to this day I cant honestly say i've ever seen a genuine UFO. Some of the photographs in the Countdown article and in the Target book such as the Santa Ana sighting and the photo taken from a plane window in 1963 over Venezuela appear to be inexplicable and very real.

A lot of such photos such as George Adamskis famous sightings are clearly hoaxed, but others are more difficult to explain. Such as William Rhodes photos of a craft with a white circle in the centre or the amazing shot of a saucer over South Africa in 1956.

More recently, UFO sightings have centred around the 'black triangle' and speculation that sightings in the US may be actually a secret Area 51 skunkworks aircraft known as the TR-3B, an antigravity vehicle supposedly developed with recovered alien technology!
Black triangles are spotted all over the world, hovering and flying silently overhead. In 2002 an oil rig worker took this shot of what is clearly a delta winged vehicle out over Glasgow.

So, has anyone else seen a real UFO or more importantly - have you got a photo ?.......


  1. Rest assured you have not seen a "genuine UFO". We have strict instructions not to allow any of you to see our technology ... though I gotta say the idea we use saucers is laughable ... we stopped using those ages ago and they never were good for anything over a couple-thousand bleems.


  3. I actually enjoy the look of the classic saucer. The clean lines, the blinky dome lights, and let us not forget the three antigravity hemispheres on the underside. It atands out in any slien motorshow.

  4. I had some of those Countdown UFO pictures on my bedroom wall as a kid....couldn't get enough of uffohs!
