Friday, 29 April 2011

Fortune and Glory

I'm going through a sort of Indiana Jones craze at the mo, which is largely due to the fact that all four films are on TV every two weeks this month and I seem to be semi-comatose on the sofa. It's driving my Missus up the wall as I seem to be permanently watching Raiders of the Lost Ark or the Temple of Doom, which I disliked when it first came out but it's grown on me a lot. I'm hoping to catch the Last Crusade before the current TV season closes soon. And I've only seen the Crystal Skull once so I'd like to have another viewing. Everyone's uncomfortably older in it, principally Indy and Marion Ravenwood, not to mention me the viewer, and I'm still not too happy with the extra-terrestrial ending for some reason. Anyone else like the Indiana Jones films?

When I used to frequent Toy Fairs at the NEC and Donnington I loved to drool over those fab Kenner toys based on the films. The most exciting for me was the rare Map Room set. Fortune and Glory!
PS. Whilst reading up on Harrison Ford's filmography I was amazed to see he had a bit part, abeit uncredited, as a Nazi guard in the Great Escape! Anyone got a screengrab?


  1. I like them. Lots of bad things were said about Crystal Skull, so I didn't have high hopes. But when I saw it recently ... Goddess! I thought it was super and wondered if those other people had watched the same film as I did.

    I didn't notice anyone being uncomfortably older, being too busy being caught up in the action. I know what you mean abut the aliens though. I'm never too keen on that kind of stuff. But overall I think I liked Crystal Skull best of them all, except perhaps the first one.

  2. Loved the first 3 films, loathed the 4th one !!! :/

  3. I really love all of the Indy franchise. Loved all four films. Even liked the TV series which I thought was vastly under-rated. Great production values, shot in the actual locations, great guest stars (Redgrave, Von Sydow, Ford, etc etc). Still have all of those Kenner toys you mentioned. Couldn't part with them!

  4. For me, all great except Temple of Doom. Watched it again last night, completely over the top. And Kate Capshaw... terrible.

  5. I loved crystal skull as I've always loved mess American art. disliked temple of doom, as I couldn't get the significance of the baked potatoes... loved raiders and Connery was brill in crusade.
