Saturday, 23 April 2011

Easter Bunny

Whilst I was on holiday new reader Paul Kaiju sent me his picture entitled Ladyhawks. Paul says "Nothing weird intended, I do all sorts of toy works design and restoration! Dolls, monsters, ect name it. LOVE your blog! I love plastic sword type stuff plus much Japanese stuff more. Almost everything, mostly vintage Monsters. I design and get them produced in Japan myself. Just wanted to send you a link, I'm ABSOLUTELY addicted to Bullmark gearlock sets. Every once in awhile I buzz them with my 2 TRIANG Hawks!"

Here's a link to Paul's full flickr set. Nice one Paul!


  1. What amazing toys in those pictures on flickr! Weird and wonderful! If Paul Kaiju is reading this, then I'm curious about the material he's using to mould his missile copies out of?

    (Vreede - lots of Pauls in orbit round this blog :)

  2. Hi,
    I just use 1:1 ratio silicon for the molds, and 1:1 resin with a pressure pot to rid the resin of bubbles.
