Monday, 25 April 2011

Continuing Comansi

Following on from Adriaans  TBirds Comansi set, I just thought i'd flag up this  Coman Boys Space Commando set. The connection being an incongruous Thunderbird 1 popped into the set for no apparent reason apart from it being a 'rocket'.

The small figures are very like Playmobil, bu just about two inches high. The set came with a collection of plastic girders to support a cardboard backdrop, which wasn't included in my set. Tbird 1 appears to have lost part of its engine too, although it fits neatly in its foam box. I especially like the cool molab with MEV-like wheels, which dates the toy to the early seventies at least. The little trike is very reminiscent of the Honda trikes that pursued Bonds Moonbuggy in 'Diamonds are Forever'.

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