Saturday, 12 March 2011


Reader Andy B sent me this community poster he's made and I'm sharing it with you. Watch out for UFO's coming near you soon!


  1. They really do live among us! Wonder what Martians class as refreshments? Milky Methane?

  2. I see the poster doesn't mention alien mind probes. Oh no ... they keep real quite about that until it's too late to get away!

    And no mention of them wanting to father their babies on us!

    They pretend to be out friends ... next thing you know they are taking away out planet, or serving us up as the main course!

  3. The favourite liquid refreshment of Martians is "Qzzztrprt". I am sure you are familiar with it, but for those yet to experience its delight ...

    It is a viscous, oily fluid, tasting not completely unlike mud that has been overburnt. You can buy it at Starbucks. (heh heh)

  4. Known as Star Yuck in the bars beyond the Oord Cloud. Comes in various stages of viscosity: coffee, frothee, brothee, clothee, mothee, toffee. Martians have naturally elongated lips for extended slurping.

  5. See, Woodsy is quite the connoisseur of Qzzztrprt. (grins)

  6. BTW .... good poster, Andy. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face.

  7. I do like that poster. With all of those hemispheres on the underside of those saucers you'd think they were Dalek ships.

  8. Er, actually RP, you've guessed the strip I lifted them from!

  9. I think you did a great job Andy.

  10. Daleks conquer and ... go for a paddle?
