Monday, 28 March 2011

Top Trump: SWORD

Pondering Top Trumps with the Ponderous Frog that is the Philosophic Toad the other day, I thought I'd have a go at some SWORD Trump cards. And eh voila! Above we have the Hover Tank and below Probe Force Three.

Mucho fun to do but two difficult decisions face the SWORD top trump card maker: where to get the vehicle data from and how to value the various features on the cards? Having consulted the Official Manual, which proved to be relatively uninformative and tame, I opted to use the grittier vehicle descriptions contained within the TV21 1969 Annual [which I've put on the card backs]. I then converted these details into features on the cards and gave them values based on statements in the annual like 'most lethal' and 'almost invincible', which as you'd expect, got high marks. Admittedly this was very subjective and you might give them different features and values. A common list of features on each card is obviously helpful though apart from any special powers, which are unique. A study of the SWORD Annual and the comic strips might also reveal valuable descriptions of the different vehicles.

Any ideas/new cards/new designs would be gratefully recieved and posted on the blog.


  1. Got to admit that I am still unsure what Top Trumps are. I've seen some of the cards, but don't know how it's played. Would someone explain it to me, please.

    As for those two cards ... nice beginning, Woodsy.

  2. its essentially a guessing game. You have a set of themed cards with a set of maybe six general attributes.

    Power, Speed, Size. Ability, Strength etc.

    the cards are divided between two players and off the top of the deck, one player picks a certain attribute and calls it - eg - Power. If the player calling the card has a higher value of attribute - say a Power of 50 and his opponents card has a lesser value, he wins that card. Play continues until one player has all the cards.

  3. Oh, I see. Thanks, Wote.

    So, if I've understood it right, then a good memory for cards that have already been played would help? That is going to handicap me, Brian ... um, Dave? Joe? What is you're name again?

    You know ... if a set of cards was created, I am pretty sure Vassal could be set up for this.

  4. BTW ... what is it with "self destruct" being built into everything these days? It always cracks up Shaqui and myself! Almost every space craft or whatever seems to have this. Do real warships has a self-destruct button?

    Do family saloon cars have them now? (grins)

  5. "you're name"????

    (face palms)

  6. reckon most cars dont have such an obvious 'self destruct' - just a tendency to fall apart as soon as youve finished paying for them or the warranty runs out!
    ive just lashed together a couple of random cards - and yes a good memory for the deck is essential - then you can second guess your opponent!

  7. As a younger person I could easily have become interested in this game. Were there any Dalek cards?

  8. will - there are several Doctor Who sets currently available. My 8 year old son had one or two
