Thursday, 17 March 2011

Seek and Ye Shall Find

Fellow toy collector Joe Lang recently updated his website about Explorer 12 toys. These toys were a range on inexpensive tractor based toys marketed by British Home Stores. Battery operated and articulated, they ran as a series of themed toys - space, ocean, terrain and polar. Prior to their release, the basic toy itself appeared in other guises and I was recently lucky enough to bag one of these early releases.

This version is made by 'Supertoys' and has the basic elements from the later line, a tractor and trailer combo with excavator attachment on the rear. These toys didnt come with the small figures that accompanied the Explorer 12.


  1. Lovely toy Wote. Where the BHS figures the same as Manta Force?

  2. Oh yeah Wote, is it compatible with the Multimac range?

  3. no and no basically. Figures are a bit better than Manta, with more detailing. From the same sort of stable as Multimac, but no connectors of any kind

  4. That is a very cool looking vehicle toy.
