Saturday, 26 March 2011

Pimp My SWORD: Custom Tarheel Moon Dart

Just watching Quantum of Solace and messing with my laptop - never a good way to get OO status. My latest IT frippery is this customised Tarheel box. Inspired by Scout 1, I had to do something with this plastic boat when I found a piccy of it online last year. I call it the Moon Dart as I was thinking of wet Moons like Io and Titan rather than our own dustball.

Wouldn't it be fantastic to actually be able to create new SWORD toys! Now then, all we need is someone with a toy factory! Remember that this Moon Dart box is a custom special created purely for our enjoyment and in no way represents real toy packaging.

Just thought! - which SWORD vehicle would James Bond have driven?


  1. He'd have driven all of them ... but he wouldn't have brought any back in one piece.

  2. Do you think he'd have driven over to Lady Penelope's to oggle over FAB1?
