Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Hot Shots

These are photographs of the Sears and Tomy Apollos and the Tarheel Space Glider, which recently appeared in part in the latest edition of Fanderson's FAB, 68. These pictures were especially taken for the occasion by reader Darth's daughter Emily Godwin, a photography student. I'm sure that you'll agree they are really excellent!


  1. (nods) They are. Well done, Ems.

  2. Hey this is in fact Emily, my dad just sent me the link! I'm so pleased that they worked out I love being a college student and I love the ability to photograph things like this I'm kinda proud of myself when something like this happens! Thank you! :)

  3. emily - can i use your photos for my Top Trumps cards ? theyre ideal!

  4. Hey Wotan,

    Yes you can use them but if you ever print out the cards I'd appreciate it and love it if you send me a set.


  5. Well done Emily! Your photo's were excellent and looked very professional! They look great on this blog and in the FAB magazine too. Keep up the great work!
