Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Bring me the oxygum!

Reader Sean recently sent me this shot of his newly acquired Imai kit of the P1 sub from Marine Boy. Doesn' t look to have Bolton and Piper at the controls though! Beautiful thing, takes me right back to the days when japanese anime was almost unheard of on european tv. Hopefully we'll see a finished version of the kit very soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Ah Wote, Seven Arts! I loved Marine Boy! On during the week around 5.30 in the afternoon. I used to watch it after school eating Steak Pudding and Chips and Peas [puts hairs on your chest!] in front of the telly merrilly humming the wonderful Japanese theme tune - na na na na na na na na. How did it go? I can still see the huge spider crab monster in the opening titles! The best.
