Wednesday, 23 February 2011


The interweb always has something new to savour. I recently came across this nifty Spanish MONTA PLEX space set. I love the graphics. Anyone know this company?

And this Super 8 film box art reminded me that the idea of a crust-drilling magma-swimming sub is a staple of the Sci Fi genre. From the Mole, the Mogura, the SWORD Beetle to this the Iron Mole of Edgar Rice Burrough's novel brought to the big screen in 1976. We saw similar rock-melting fun again in the naughties with the Core [are ther more?].

I'm a sucker for a good pulp cover and here's a brilliant Task Force 2 - like rocket from December 1958 by our friend Alex Schomberg, who brought is the MOLAB in Rocket Stories in 1953.

Every now and then up pops a toy I'd forgotten about completely and above [courtesy of Vectis] is just such a one - the Reconnaissance Tank top right. Yes, I know it's a cheapo plastic toy and not that old I don't think but I loved it's crazy shape when I bought one about 15 years ago in a little old toy shop at the top of Shipley Glen near Bradford. Sadly neither the shop nor my tank are no longer with us. Anyone got one? - a tank that is, not a toy shop!

And these cool WIERD covers just had to be blogged! The guy on the right's saying 'Hey, big insect thing, gimme back my SWORD!'

Last but not least in this fondue of goodies is this lovely plastic space-jet by Marusan. There's just something SWORDtastic about it. Finis!


  1. The Marusan space jet is the Ultra Hawk 1 from the Japanese Ultra Seven TV series (one of the early Ultraman tv series that went on for decades fighting giant rubber monsters). You can still get toys and model kits of it in Japan today.

  2. I gave you close-ups of some of the Montaplex stuff about a year ago!

  3. Monta Plex was a famous toys company in Spain, at the 60' years. Monta Plex made lots of space ships. See:

    Thank you for your Blog.
