Monday, 21 February 2011

Spanish Roll

As mentioned by Jim here's a cool roll of Spanish film of your friendly neighbourhood Madelman. Watch out for the Astronautas! Courtesy of You Tube.


  1. A bit of Googling of one item depicted above led me to find this tantalizing visual treat:

    Isn't that gorgeous? And the idea of the "antenna dish" underneath serving as a carry handle is really clever.

  2. Yep, see what you mean Richard. Do you agree that the Astronave looks like Buzz Lightyear's spaceship toy that came out after the first film?

  3. And I had to Google THAT because I never saw that particular toy! Yeah, I see the resemblance.

    (On a tangent, Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story didn't grab my imagination as much as the subsequent Buzz Lightyear animated tv series made by Disney -- it was clearly written by old school pulp SF fans who knew their source material.)
