Monday, 17 January 2011

SWORD DREAMS: Mock-Up Boxed Titan Rocket Dyna Soar Set

A bit of late night fun relaxing in front of the goggle box. Here's a custom mock-up of an imaginary SWORD toy: TITAN ROCKET DYNA SOAR X-20 LAUNCH BOXED SET. Purely for mine and your amusement, this set is a photoshopped fan mock-up before anyone get's too excited! The bottom pic is how the actual SWORD Dyna Soar looks atop the Apollo Saturn rocket body.  
The whole thing was inspired by a cool Fred Takasumi Dyna Soar launch painting, forming the background on the mock box. You can see it in it's contemporary 1960's setting on the wall behind the USAF presenter in this fabulous short X-20 clip on You Tube, blogged previously: The Story of the Dyna Soar [part 1].


  1. Excellent stuff.

    If only some manufacturer would decide to make some space toys today.

    With the news of a probable new CGI series of Thunderbirds, I'm hoping for more Gerry Anderson goodies in a couple of years anyway. Come on Airfix and Corgi.

  2. Cheers! CGI Thunderbirds eh. Do you think it will be called New Thunderbirds like Cap Scarlet? Hope it's not the team who brought out the live action film a few years back! Maybe a flight to Mars will inspire the modern world again and give us a slew of space goodies too!

  3. Nah, it's pure Gerry Anderson this time. Hope he doesn't change the Thunderbird designs too much.

  4. (nods) I have the same hope, Yorkie.

  5. I wish some one would do an X-20/ Saturn toy like that! I'm 66 years Young and I DO remember flying a plastic, rubber band launched Glider in the Parish Parking Lot across from my House. I wish I still had it. Mom got it for me because I was stuck in the house sick. Too Bad then Defense Secretary Robert McNamara canceled it for political reasons. Cheers

    1. Great memories Unknown. I like that story. The Dyno-Soar was an amazing design. Rubber bands were the best for instant bursts of power weren't they, sadly no longer that popular with modern kids!
