Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Star Born: The Valigursky Spaceman

Ed Valigursky, US space artist and imagineer of the SWORD Booster Rocket, Spacex MEV2 and Spacex Nova Rocket, was a prolific pulp book and magazine cover illustrator during the 1950's and 60's. Looking at his art, Mr. Valigursky was obviously keen on rockets, robots and monsters. He was also keen on painting young people of both sexes and in particular a dark haired spaceman. Classicly handsome, there's a sample gallery of this Valigursky hero below [was it a self portrait?]. You will find many more googling the artist's name or searching flickr. There maybe a similar heroine?
I wonder if the artist ever knew his creative legacy influenced other areas of popular culture like our friend the Booster Rocket box? Even now his dark haired hero resurfaces for more adventures as it would appear in this modern fashion pendant* [Ebay US]. Together with a Valigursky heroine, he would have surely been at home on a SWORD box cover!
*may not be Valigursky. I can't find the original book cover picture!

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