Saturday, 15 January 2011

I Seek Not to Know the Answers but to Understand the Questions!

Just waiting for some schnitzels to fry so I've got time to do a quick bloglet. Continuing the mini-theme of oriental arts and western pop culture here are three paperback books I devoured when I was a wee young lad. Published by Warner, these were the three KUNG FU paperback tie-ins to the popular TV series starring David Carradine as the Shaolin Monk traveller Kwai Chang Caine, a role originally destined for Bruce Lee [if I remember rightly Bruce, who had played Kato in the original Green Hornet series, was sadly deemed to look just too oriental by TV execs!]. Kwai Chang Cain was closely followed in the Shaolin stakes, certainly in my book, by comic Kung Fu masters Shang Shi ,Yang and the Deadly Hands of Kung Fu, of whom more will follow! KAPOW!


  1. "Master, are there three novels because they reflect the threefold nature of mind?"

    "Not so, little grasshopper. There are three only because the fourth has been omitted by Good Master Woodsy. Learn then that assumption is illusion."

    I will post the cover of the fourth book later (Toad genuflects respectfully)

  2. From the tiger, one learns tenacity and power. From the white crane, gracefulness. And the dragon teaches one to ride the wind. To master even one might take a lifetime .... But most difficult of all is The Way of the Toad ...

    Fourth novel cover here: A Praying Mantis Kills

  3. Thanks Master Toad, I was busy tip-toeing over rice paper so I forgot about the fourth novel. Looks great and I remember it well. I've been trying to find my Look-In comic free KUNG FU dragon pin badge but no luck yet. Wait, I can hear the sound of one hand clapping!

  4. But wait, what is the sound of a clicked link if it does not lead anywhere? Indeed, click on Shaqui's name to enter a competition to win an A5 desk calendar of rare and unpublished 'Look-in' artwork, one of which is, Grasshopper, indeed 'Kung-Fu'. And if you search diligently on THAT page, you may find another...

    *one hand applauds... silently*

  5. Ah yes, Sifu Shaqui, look-in good! Love the page of unseen Kung Fu artwork, the Carradine likeness is remarkable. And that's one competition I will have to enter! Cool prize indeed!

  6. Be aware, young Padawan Wood-sie and all other devotees at the Temple of Look-in, that the deadline for entries is this Sunday, 23rd of the January...


  7. Thank you Sifu Shaqui. If Master Po will let me off early from sweeping the entire Shaolin Temple with just one feather I hope to get my bamboo brush and inkstone out this weekend.
