Tuesday, 11 January 2011

First Stilettos On the Moon!

Toad's latest acquisition,
Let's Go ThunderBarbie! There's a definate Gabriella Drake look here I reckon!


  1. Spectrum Steve1/11/2011 9:45 pm

    Got to say that this got my wife's attention as besides being a Star Trek fan she is a Barbie collector although funnily enough she doesn't have any Barbie Astronauts (well not yet and not for want of trying!) and don't forget that Barbie (and Ken) did enlist in Star Fleet!

  2. (Toad nods) ... I'm familiar with the Star Trek set (smiles).

    Barbie has done just about everything worth doing ... she's had over 125 careers! She and her friends went into space a few times ... first in 1963 (or possibly 1965), then again in 1985 and 1994. The keychain replicates the spacesuit from the early sixties.

    This was such a cool surprise present! Can't say enough how much I like her!

  3. OK Toad, I'll ask- is there a pink-coloured Barbie space ship???

  4. Sadly not, Andy. But wouldn't that have been cool!

    To the shopping mall and beyond!!!!
