Saturday, 1 January 2011

2011: A Space Odyssey

Let the Odyssey Begin!
Happy New Year!

Picture credit: Michael Coate from his amazing 2004 website about 2001: be sure to click on the 'seat engagement' list' three quarters of the way down.

1 comment:

  1. Kubrick's 2001 - what a grand way to start any new year! Woodsy's link leads to a 70mm site of the film, which brings to mind a magnum opus The Stanley Kubrick Archives (Taschen, 2005).

    The first printing of the book included a 70mm, 12-frame film strip from Kubrick's personal print of "2001". While some people could boast with grand views of the Stargate sequence, I found myself stuck with the face of a Russian scientist! (played by marvelously sly Leonard Rossiter). A great book and a piece of 70mm nirvana, all the same.
