Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Merry Christmas Readers

Wishing all the blog's readers and contributors a very Merry Christmas and a SWORDtabulous New Year.
Thanks for watching!
Wonder what 2011 will reveal?
Woodsy and Wotan


  1. Have a Good One!

  2. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Woodsy and Wotan and all who frequent this wonderful website.
    Thank you everyone for all the great contributions, they brighten up my days no end!
    Enjoy the Season!

  3. Many thanks for providing the bright spot of each day to the W-Duo, as well as to everybody that comments. Wonderful stuff!

    Hope you'll all have the merriest of Xmases (with some vintage toys under the tree!) and the best of New Years!

  4. I third, fourth and fifth that. Happy Christmas and a New Year of wonders to all of us.
