Tuesday, 28 December 2010

All Wrapped Up

Funny how tastes change. Virtually everything Christmassy that baby boomer babies grew up with in the 1960's is probably classed as 'Kitschy' or even worse, 'cheesey', these days - like plastic Xmas ornaments, Cribs, multi-coloured fairy lights and chocolate or even wooden Yuke Logs. But the things I associate most with my tender years right up into the Seventies were those wonderful rolls of thin colourful Xmas paper with fabulous designs like the ones shown, both found online [more here].

Gifts were lovingly wrapped and taped together with equally colourful rolls of sticky tape emblazoned with holly, Christmas puddings or Santa's! Cheesey? maybe but of it's time and for me important memories. The designs on the paper were often mirrored on beautiful Christmas Cards and gift tags depicting paintings and drawings of Victoriana like Horses and Carraiges, Carol Singers under Gas Lamps, Robins and Fifties motifs of Santa's Sleighs, Holly, Baubles and Snowmen. I remember many cards being glittered and scattering their tiny jewels around the house before being pegged to lines of string with titchy plastic dolly pegs! Now relegated to Kitsch, these things were our childhood, are our memories and at least for me, have been the spirit of all the Christmasses that followed.


  1. I know what you mean about Christmases past, but have cards and wrapping papers really changed so much? I'll admit to not really knowing, having largely given up Santa-ism some time ago. But there seemed plenty of Kitsch wrapping papers in shops ... certainly in those "Christmas" shops. And there are Kitsch-like cards too if you look further than the humour sections. Maybe not so much, but still some. Or is it that modern ones aren't so much Kitsch as Tacky?

    As I said, I don't really know anymore, having largely avoided traditional Christmas stuff, except where that was impossible.

    BTW, there is something vaguely familiar about the second of the two wrapping paper designs you showed ^_^ I am kinda 60 -70% sure I did see that one as a child.

  2. Or if it's impossible I sat THAT actual one, then something very, very like it.

  3. The paper in the bottom pic is typical of the 1960's Toad and you could very well remember it. You know I never thought of going in a Christmas Shop! I'll give it a go. Do they dissappear after Christmas?
    Kitschy and tacky, it's interesting isn't it how thin the line is between these. All a matter of taste. Kath Kidston has made a multi million pound empire based on 1950's kitsch designs like these. If only we'd have thought of it!
