Friday, 24 December 2010

Airfix Interceptor Flies Again

Airfix have announced their 2011 kit releases today. The Angel Interceptor from Captain Scarlet makes a return. Think it was last available about 1983? I must have made at least half a dozen of them as a kid. the Space 1:72 scale section
[from the SWORD Yahoo Group]


  1. great but wheres Star Cruiser and the Cosmic Clipper ?

  2. Wow! Such good news! THAT is one Arifix release this lil Toad will be looking out for!

  3. I'm sure it's just my wishful thinking, but if the Angel sells well maybe, just maybe, Airfix will decide to make other Gerry Anderson vehicles. I've always thought that as it's unlikely Gerry will get to make any new TV shows now (he's in his 80s and his last series - nu-Scarlet - was badly distributed) that he could perhaps lend his name to design some new SF models and toys.

    The Airfix Starcruiser was a bit pants. Had to have one though. They also did the Starcruiser Interceptor in a larger scale (about 1/32nd?). Had that too. ;D

    Still got my Cosmic Clipper. The main body always reminded me of the London prison ship from Blake's 7 for some reason.

    Anyone remember the Airfix Flying Saucer around the same time?

  4. It's a lovely fantasy, Yorkie. Can't see it happening .... oh, but if only.

    Starcruiser didn't strike me as being so very pants. Would have been better with some kind of interior though ... and maybe some figures. I'd probably get one if that was reissued.

    Not sure I know the Saucer. Any pictures?

  5. A mate of mine has an original STARCRUISER. Built by Martin Bower I believe to promote the concept and it ended up on display in Blackpool i think. It was the one used on ads and such like and as a basis for tooling possibly?? It did have all the classic 'Anderson' aspects to it and the LOOK-IN strip did give the concept some support but it never really hit big time at all.
    Jim Lewis

  6. Check out the next Andersonic for a 'Starcruiser' feature which reveals more about the proposed TV series that never made it - and NO we're not talking about the format that Chris Bentley's Episode Guide thinks it is...


  7. Starcruiser tv series. Not the folding house/spaceship idea surely? Aaaargh.

    Tha Airfix Flying Saucer -

    It made a decent space station to play with.

  8. Aahhhhhh, that! Thank you, Yorkie.

    It does have far more the "feel" of a space station than a UFO .... not that I've seen many UFOs, mind.
