Tuesday, 16 November 2010

What's Your Favourite?

What's your favourite toy, game or plaything? Let's hear. Maybe one space and one general. Mine was the SWORD Moon Ranger and the Mod Monster Blushing Frankenstein. I loved them both and still do!


  1. Do you mean now, as an adult? Or back then, in the hazy mists of time?

  2. mine would have to be Spacex toys and then Hot Wheels cars as non space. Also loved army toys and Major Matt Mason, rubber monsters and board games like Mouse Trap and Take the Brain.

  3. Whenever you want! Even the Future!

  4. My Spacex Super Set, about equal with my Moon Grabber.

    Then my toy soldiers, especially my Romans and Trojans and I have to mention my Lego with these...used to make a great Argo for the Trojans who I conveniently cast as Greeks.

    Oh damn, them there were my chemistry sets and monster models....!

  5. Action Man came first, Lego second equal with me'soljers!

    'Imbeward'...a dangerous attack of nostalgia.

  6. What Romans and Trojans where those, eviled?

  7. Hi Toad,
    My Romans and Trojans were Herlad soldiers. I loved them and they were very attractive. I always liked the ancient/medieval soldiers better than the more modern military ones.

    I am sure you know the ones I mean but here is a picture:

    For some reason, I could never get the Roman/Trojan archers where we lived and they just happened to be my favourites.

    Some of the most attractive soldiers I had were Britians, mounted and unmounted knights and Turks. I think they were called the Deetail range. The Turks were especially impressive.

    I still have all my soldiers! Yay!
