Sunday, 21 November 2010

Waiter, there's a Dalek in my T !

The other day I blogged about the UK TV show Rewind the 60's currently on a Friday morning. As I watched I saw a fleeting glance of a dark sleek rocket toy and thought, Task Force 2! Philotoadia has very kindly sent me these three screengrabs of the toy footage. We can now see clearly that it's not a TF2 but rather a Propeller Racer [make?]. There's also a plastic 'Moon Ranger' Flying Saucer [could be either Clifford or Tai Hing] and the head of a black Marx Dalek. I've pasted colour versions of them below. I've still no idea of the year of this black and white footage but the programme did focus on 1969. Can we date any of the toys - Marx Dalek? I'd love to know what the stack of boxed toys are to the right as well!
Toys: Vectis


  1. I'm pretty sure the Marx Dalek is mid 1960s, came out in the first Dalek craze- even 1964?

  2. The big doll someone is 'walking' towards the end of that clip dates from the end of the 1960s - my little sister had one, and it was about as tall as her at the time. I think it was called 'Mandy' (although not sure if this was the doll's proper name, or one my sister or parents gave it). The Marx Dalek, while being first issued around 1964, was available throughout the 1960s. I recall seeing on on a shopping trip to Croydon - which to me was a distant and exotic place when aged around 5 - again, that must have been around 1969/70...
