Wednesday, 10 November 2010

It's 'Official': The Tai Hing Moon Bus

When things become unclear it's always a good idea to go back to the source. In late summer I described the material that the UK National Archive had sent me regarding the Moon Bus and Prospector. As explained I couldn't publish this amazing material as the cost is prohibitive but it did make me wonder what other evidence is there of Century 21 using the T in a Circle/Tai Hing Moon Bus as the basis for their own. I've posted my initial results on the blog already but I'd never considered the obvious: did the SWORD Official Manual shed any further light?

Well, yes it does! Above is the Moon Bus as it appears in the Manual and you'll clearly see the 'T' badge on the Bus's nose! Under my own nose all this time and I'd never noticed! So even the Official Manual had a T in a Circle /Tai Hing Moon Bus pictured inside it. I can also confirm that this picture is virtually identical, short of having no passenger windows and a differently angled radar dish, to the perspective shot of the 'T' badged Moon Bus in the photographs I acquired from the National Archives.

It's clear to me now that the Century 21 Moon Bus was originally the 'T' in a Circle/Tai Hing Moon Bus. Sorted!


  1. OMG, Woodsy. How did we miss this before now?

  2. Woodsy you're Da Man!
