Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Ganymede Scramble

Following the recent Damocles incident, all operatives are on high alert for deep space asteroids and transient objects passing through the inner system. After Moonbase was almost destroyed by the passage of the asteroid which appeared from the edge of the system almost without warning, regular patrols by long range reconaissance ships are now in place. Equipped with special scanning and imaging sensors, modified Needle Probes stationed at Ganymede Base sweep the orbits beyond Jupiter for trojans and other potential hazards. The pilots have established a classification scheme for these objects, based on their size and potential threat:

MJOLNIR - Asteroid or meteor, sized between half a metre to three metres. Named after the Hammer of Thor and capable of seriously damaging any unshielded ship or installation.

TROJAN - Any object larger than a standard scout ship and bearing a gravity well. The magnetc field of larger objects sometimes collects smaller dust and meterorites and carries them in its wake. Named after the Trojan Horse with soldiers hidden inside.

GOLEM - Any object above a half kilometre. Potentially a global planet killer, depending on speed and orientation, the Golem poses a serious threat as stopping anything of such considerable size needs a concerted strike and is beyond the capability of a standard scout ship. Named after the mythological stone figure brought to life by magic and absolutely unstoppable by any other means.

Needle Probes carry a three man crew and use extra heavy magnetic shields while cruising in Jupiters ionosphere. Photograph shows a pair of probes scrambled from G-Base engaging the magnetic field and preparing to use the jovian gravity to slingshot out towards Saturn. Io grazes Jupiters baleful face in the background as the Needle Probes ignite the ion drives to escape her jealous embrace.


  1. Love the Probe Wote! And great writing - '.. escape her jealous embrace'. Fab! You should write a whole SWORD story!

  2. Now theres an idea - SWORD fan fiction! Trouble was, all the original Sword tales were pretty grim. Maybe SPACEX fan fiction could redress the balance and have a happy ending!

    we got any wordsmiths onboard ?

  3. I know Shaqui began writing a piece of SpaceX fiction, but RL stresses and demands got in the way.

    And waaaay back, I began a short experiment in writing a SpaceX text adventure as a way to learn Inform 7. Mine was pathetic though.

    What I would really like is some kind of SpaceX/SWORD themed game. A board game or something like that. One we could play together some Friday night. Now that would be cool.

  4. I recall youre Spacex game - does it still exist ? Bring it forth with all speed!

  5. Uh, I hate to mention this, 'cos this is so cool, but - well - in real astronomy (EEEk!! He said the R word!!) Trojan asteroids are those whose cluster forms an equilateral triangle, with the Sun and Jupiter at the other two points, this being one of the solutions to the three-body problem (Trust me, I'm a rocket scientist!) They are named after the heroes of the Trojan War, ie, Hector, Agamemnon, etc...maybe "Argonauts" instead?
    Alright, I'll shut up now!

  6. I've a three-body problem - my body is three times slower than my brain! But Grif, seriously and I never thought I'd ask anyone this as it's that dream profession at parties - are you really a rocket scientist!

    As for a Friday Night game - sounds cool. Could we play via 'Comments' or 'Twitter'? Is there a Spacex game waiting to be tested?

  7. Grif - I stand corrected! This was puely a lash up over lunchtime and I had a nagging suspicion that id heard 'trojan' in connection with asteroids, but was too lazy to google it!

  8. Nope. That SpaceX text thingy is gone. Believe me, you missed nothing.

    Woodsy, Comments or Twitter are both good ways to play games ... but Vassal would be a lot better.

    We need to decide on, or make, a SWORD/Spacex game.

  9. I mean, we need to IF we want to play something. Contrary wise, if we don't, we needn't ^_^

  10. Returining compliment- great image Wotan!

  11. I've said it before, but l really love that needle probe.

  12. MUCHOS gracias arty amigos - NEEDLE Probe is a custom build, one good thing about spacex, Needle Probes turn up very frequently and I was able to scarifice three toys to buiid one.

  13. Strange were words get used. I know 'vassal' from my japanese studies days - a vassal was a Samurai retainer of one the warring clans. What's your Vassal Toadington?

  14. Cheers for my new desktop background Wote.
    Nice one.

  15. ed - shucks! Such flattery, ill need to take the door frame off now to get my head through!

    Theres more to come im feeling inspired!

  16. Doors in Asgard Wotan? I thought it was all clouds?

  17. The Vassal I have in mind is a free application which runs in Java. It's used to create virtual game boards to which multiple players can link. Moves made by one player are seen in real time by all the other players. Would be ideal if ever we did get a game together.

  18. Doors in Asgard? I've read Mavel Comics, and yes, they have doors...but not, apparently, flush toilets!
    Am I really a rocket scientist? Yeah...sorta! I got my degree from the Open University for designing a small bi-propellant rocket motor, and, as part of upgrading (no, not Cybus Industries style!) to "Honours" status, I designed a larger engine with regenerative cooling. I'd have liked to have had it built, but the estimate from a local machine shop was about £500 for the small one! So I have an in-joke with my friends about "Trust me, I'm a rocket scientist" which usually provokes a reply of "I know, that's what worries me!"
    Now, as to gaming, there's a skirmish wargame from Rattrap Games called "Fantastic Worlds" intended to simulate pulp-SF, and an upcoming game from Crooked Dice calleed "7TV" to simulate 60s/70s "cult TV". As to spaceships, Hydra Miniatures have a game called "War Rocket" based on 1950s toy spaceships, and I recall some of these survived to the 60s - I had a few! So, SWORD gaming is a distinct possibility!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Like the look of those games, Grif. But ... and it's a small "but" ... they all appear to be measure-movement games ... you know, the sort where a player moves his/her ship/figure 2 inches, and then everyone disagrees that is it in range to fire (hee hee).

    That said, Vassal can handle movement-type games too.

    BTw, all: take a look at the site for 7TV ... one character in the game is "May Killan", a policewoman. They have sculpted a miniature of her in off-duty clothes ... casual wear ... and describe her as "Casual May Killan"! One of the anti-SWORD brigade? LOL


  21. philotoadia said...

    "I know Shaqui began writing a piece of SpaceX fiction, but RL stresses and demands got in the way."

    Actually a proposed series of stories with an arc, and emotional core, that hopefully raised it above the crap 'Project SWORD' strips in 'SOLO' which were all technology and no heart.

    To tantalise you, the three stories plotted were Episode 1: 'The Midas Inheritance' and two follow-ups, 'Blessed Echo', and 'Golden Orbit' (though these were more likely to be episodes 7/8 and 4 respectively).

  22. That was it! I knew Shaqui had said something about SpaceX fiction. But I have a very poor memory, especially when it comes to things like, erm ... topics like ... er ... whatever it was we were talking about.

  23. "philotoadia said..."

    It's all your fault, you know! I came up with the pilot story while doing your birthday card!

    "Who knows the mystery of the Golden Astronaut?"

    Ha! :-P

  24. Is the mystery why the astronaut's golden?

  25. (Nods agreement) ... It's true, Shaqui. I accept full responsibility ^_^

  26. " WOODSY said...
    Is the mystery why the astronaut's golden?"

    Um ... nope. The reason they have golden spacesuits is too obvious to mention. ^_^

  27. WOODSY said...

    "Is the mystery why the astronaut's golden?"

    You may like to think that but I couldn't possibly comment. ;-)

  28. Ha ha - yes, Shaqui I saw that on TV too - the House of SWORDS!
