Friday, 8 October 2010

Summer SWORD Art Competition Results

First Prize
 Shaqui Le Vesconte
'Project SWORD' comic strip

Joint Runners-Up [in alphabetical order]:
Andy Boyce
Probe Force 1 Launch
London Space base

Bill Bulloch [WOTAN]
Nuclear Family

Mike Burrows
Nuclear Pulse

The 2010 Summer SWORD art compo results are in. Alan Shubrook, Century 21 model maker, kindly agreed to judge the entries and the results are shown above. Alan thought the standard was very high overall and liked all the entries, but in the end he chose Shaqui's 'comic strip' for a well-deserved First Prize of a signed copy of Alan's Century 21 FX Unseen Untold book about his time as a model maker with C21 in the late 1960's and early 70's. Well done to Shaqui and to the joint runners-up too: Andy, Bill and Mike.

For my own part I enjoyed running the compo very much and would like to thank everyone to took time out to enter, artists all! I would also like to say a huge thank you to Alan Shunbrook for being such a good sport judging the comp and providing such a fab First Prize. I hope to be able to thank him personally at the upcoming TV21 con in Bristol this month!


  1. Beautiful work all round! Well done Shaqui - a really dynamic and fitting piece!

  2. You gave first Prize to someone who blew you up...FOREVER!!!

    ...Congratulations to all, they are very good indeed.

  3. Yay! Way to go, Shaqui!

    The idea, of course, is to explain WHY there is no S.W.O.R.D. moonbase toy (but you all got that, right?).

    I have seen the original artwork! How cool is that! ^_^

    And a round of applause to the runners-up too! Yay!

  4. Congratulations Shaqui, you really captured the feel and spirit of SWORD in your brilliant comic strip...even though the Moonbase has been totally destroyed...forever!

    Congratulations to the runners up too, lovely work all round...they would all make great wall posters!
    It couldn't have been easy choosing a winner!


  5. Thank you Paul and Alan, for running and judging the competition, and donating the prize. And thank you Philosophic Toad for suggesting the idea about the Moonbase! (And who now owns the original art!)

    And thank for your kind comments. I'm surprised I won, especially after seeing what I was up against!

  6. Well done all. I think If I had been picking a winner I must say Wotan's painting does stand out. So colourful, and combining Sword with Spacex - wish I'd thought of that.

    Mike Burrows

  7. well thank you Mike, given the standard of your offering, thats quite a compliment!

  8. I personally think yours was the best too, WOTAN.

  9. Thanks Shaqui, Bill, Mike and Andy for taking part in this bit of creative fun. I enjoyed it very much and was so impressed with the results as I know Alan was too. Pity we can't show them in all their glory hung on a wall somewhere! Till the next compo, cheers.

  10. its good to see some wonderful new sword/spacex artwork again after so long... lets not wait for a competition, get painting!

  11. and on that note a new picture by Andy B to be posted tonight!
