Thursday, 28 October 2010

Still Life

Arto sent through these Pathe stills from yesterday's post. Thanks also to Toad and Maverick for help.
Stills owned by British Pathe and shown for educational purposes only.


  1. Shown for educational purposes only? Does this mean I got me some education at last? Yay!

    Watching those films sent a pleasant shiver down my spine. Oh those wonderful Christmases when dad took us to see the Christmas lights! And looking in the shop windows. Where did all that magic go? (sniff sniff) Such times!

    I know it was all commercial back then too, but somehow it seemed so much more!

  2. Can't agree more with Toad. I wonder if my kids will go nostalgic over seeing today's shop windows when they're our age?

    Plenty of other nice things to see in that shop:
    - the blue loops (above the letter P) are a Rovex Spacenik set (Wote has one still)
    - the same distance up again is a large yellow Legoland truck (have it sitting on a shelf downstairs)
    - Behind the kid's pointing hand is a Matchbox motorway set (had that when young - you stuck a pin underneath a toy car and a long spiral spring in the track would noisily pull it along)
    - just in front of that is a Matchbox Superfast loop (Matchbox' answer to Hot Wheels of course, tho not as cool as HW)
    - plenty of Scalextric there lower left
    - Britains artillery sets top centre
    - behind the word 'only' there's a Dinky Stuka and Spitfire (neighbour had those)
    - Just above the speedboat there's a R/C 1967 Mustang (forget the brand but I have it in my toy Mustang collection)
    - right to the left of that is something that looks very Major Matt Mason, but I'd need to check to see which set (have the toys, but very little packaging, and less familiar with the later sets)
    -and (especially for Wotan) there's a Funny Men circus set just behind the castle tower roof (which I also have downstairs :)

    I do wonder what those red and yellow vehicles on the castle wall may be though.

  3. By the way ... anyone who is still wondering what to buy Toad for Christmas should look here:


    I want, I want ...

  4. Sigh .... Toad can't even spell "Astronaut" correctly.

  5. The British Pathe film archive is phenomenal. I could take a two-week holiday off work just to watch these reels, WOW, THANKS!
