Before Michael Myers scares the bejeebers out of us again like every Halloween I thought it would be fun to post one of the silver screen's very first 'bleeding' men, Nosferatu, played by the aptly named Max Shreck [Shreck means 'fright' in German!]. Made in 1922, Nosferatu: Symphonie Des Grauens is an amazingly dark silent slice of German expressionist cinema dripping with chilling atmosphere and unforgettable black and white images. An X-rated Jack Skellington to make your blood freeze, Shreck's rat-like Vampyr will never leave you, so be warned! Amazingly, it's in the public domain, which means that no one owns it. A whole new generation have discovered their gothic roots with nearly a million hits on You Tube, where you can see the entire film, which is just shy of 90 minutes long. Complete coincidence, it turns out we were stood next to the house bought for Nosferatu in the film when we were strolling around Lubeck this summer. Creepy! Enjoy this classic on Halloween courtesy of You Tube:
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