Sunday, 26 September 2010

Monkeying Around

I always thought that the SPC and the Monkeemobile were similar. Could they have been swapped in the two TV programmes without much trouble?


  1. I certainly see where you are coming from on this comparison. THE MONKEES pre-dates 'SCARLET' by a good year or so in production terms and Dean Jefferies who designed the Monkee-Mobile was Stateside whereas of course Mike Trim was stuck in Slough. I doubt there was any cross polenation of ideas but there is for definite a similar style going on.
    Jim Lewis

  2. Well, they're both red and have four wheels. They were also on the telly.


  3. Captain Scarlet9/26/2010 12:42 pm

    Yeah, and I was indestructible! Davey Jones and the Monkees weren't!

  4. Spectrum Steve9/26/2010 7:09 pm

    Has anyone else noticed that in more recent Captain Scarlet merchandise the SPC (Spectrum Patrol Car)is referred to as the SSC (Spectrum Saloon Car) I don't know about anyone else but I prefer Patrol Car......I wonder why the change?

  5. The vehicle was actually referred to as the SSC or Spectrum Saloon Car back in the very earliest promotional material and merchandise back in 1967. Confusing for the uninitiated for definite though but not a recent thing. Back in the first two 'SCARLET' annuals it is called this and in issue 143 of TV 21 it is even called the SSPC!!

    Jim Lewis

  6. Spectrum Steve9/27/2010 8:13 pm

    Well That I didn't remember! shows how the memory can play tricks on you though. Thanks for the enlightenment Jim!
