Monday 16 August 2010

Summer Flotsam

Recent sightings on Ebay and Vectis [left to right]:
Tarheel Robot, Hover Airliner, Hover Waddling Duck, Phix Capsule, Durham Big Boy [like Tarheel], Lesney space vehicle [?], Golden Astronaut Moon Exploration tri-pack, Yellow Jeep like Hurdler, Tin car like Moonship

[is Flotsam correct for man-made stuff or is that Jetsom?]


  1. The 'Lesney space vehicle' is part of the Mobile Action Command. Lots of MAC stuff on the web.


  2. Nice one Sean. Funny that, M.A.C is also the sign-off call in the Solo SWORD strip. Like FAB in Thunderbirds. Wonder what it meant? Mobile Action Command?
