Tuesday, 10 August 2010

American Dyna

In my quest to find ever more Swordesque box art I contacted Lou Maglio of Collect Aire models about his two fab X-20 Dyna Soar kits. The Black and White picture is older but it's the colour art that I particularly love and must be the most modern rendition of the X-20 for a 'toy' albeit a kit. Lou kindly added the following:

Dear Paul;
I am glad you enjoy our artwork. Yes - you may use and credit both pieces to the Artist and Collect-Aire Models.
1. Color X-20 artwork created for us by Tony Weddell in the 1990's
2. Black and White X-20 artwork created for us by Gerry Asher.
best regards,
Lou Maglio

Excellent Lou! Thanks!


  1. It's always great to see how this collection/project is developing.


  2. Thanks for your kind words Tony. It's feedback like yours that keeps it going! I love your site too - beautiful modelling. Your'e very skilled.
