Saturday, 17 July 2010


Years ago I used to watch Lexx after coming in late on Friday nights. Such a wierd space series. Floating heads and strange ships. Anyone else see it?


  1. I've seen a few episodes. I always liked what I saw, but I never really understood what I was watching. It seemed like the kind of show you had to watch religiously to really follow. I'm always tempted to grab a DVD box set and have a Lexx marathon.

  2. If that's the one where you were never sure whether the ship was alive (it talked anyway) and couldn't work out who of the crew were Alive, dead, Friendly, Enemy, Helping, hindering or just Observing or there because they were being blackmailed to remain under duress...then I've watched a couple of episodes too and seem to have had a similar experience to you two?!!

  3. Yes, I seem to remeber it being overtly sexual! Didn't someone keep saying 'Hail the Zeb Zeb' or something?

    the ship looks like a Giger to me!
